An insurance issue around the recovery of vehicles by 4WD club patrols in the Polaris 4WD Park (formerly sponsored by Jeep), at Woodhill Forest near Auckland, have been explained by John Hickey, the NZ Four Wheel Drive Association's northern zone president, who is also a lawyer. And the issue seems to go well beyond the boundaries of the 4WD park.
Writing in the association's newsletter, TrailTorque, Mr Hickey said the problem arose after an member club questioned insurance arrangements. Since the park's inception, local 4WD clubs have been rostered to provide patrols, primarily for the recovery of stuck customer vehicles. The outcome of a meeting about the matter "seems to be that Polaris does not have insurance to cover club members who attempt recoveries of vehicles in the park," wrote Mr Hickey. "So any member involved in a recovery of a vehicle whether in the park or elsewhere, should make sure that they have insurance to cover them and their vehicle and any intended recovery.
"They should also, if possible, get a written waiver releasing them from liability and indemnifying them from any liability or damage incurred." Mr Hickey said he realised that some drivers of a recovery vehicle might not want to do that: "What I am recommending is best practice. Life is not always like that so it is up to you how you deal with matters."
The popular 4WD park is closed until April 11.
The popular 4WD park is closed until April 11.
Wow, thats all a bit of a worry. What ru supposed too do – leave them stranded?