December 13, 2011

Diff locks: is back then front back to front?

Came in on the tail of a conversation the other day about differential locks, when the consensus was you only need one on the rear. I don’t agree; you need them on the front and back. And if you can only fit one, I’d argue, against conventional opinion, that it should be on the front

An ARB demo rig.
I’ve spent almost 15 years with vehicles that have diff locks at both ends and over that time it’s often been the front one that’s done the trick. For example, during the climbout from a muddy hole in the track traction’s often lost because the rear wheels have sunk into goo that’s too deep for a locker to help. It’s the front one that helps the steering wheels help the vehicle out.

The problem with a front locker is its effect on steering. The turning circle suddenly becomes huge. But it’s just a matter of knowing the vehicle and the characteristics of a locked front diff. However, the suppliers of lockers are understandably worried about liability issues. Sets of lockers are always wired so that the front one won’t work unless the rear one has been activated. That’s also the way it is on factory lockers, like those on the Land Cruiser 70 series, or on my Wrangler Rubicon. But if I were building a strictly off-road 4WD and could only afford one locker, it’d be on the front, for sure.

A visitor, A A Brown, left a comment that I've posted here rather than in the comments section because it provides a useful balance to the item above. He writes: "I have read what you have to say about front diff locks and I have to agree with the general thrust of the comment. However, a front locker can bite you badly if you're not quick with the 'off' switch. And it should never, ever be used on road or any high friction surface."


  1. You are completly wrong. What you say is dangrus and shouldf be arrased.

  2. I have a built up truck that's street legal but principally for hard offroading. It has a ARB difflok in the front only and I agree with your post completely. When I can afford it however I'll put one in the rear as well.

  3. I have a Nissan with ARB lockers front and rear. I wire these so that the front can be engaged without the rear engaged. After 3 years it's the front thats most usually the most helpful. I think the effect on steering is overstated, I have not found it a big deal. So I agree with your posting, if you can only fit one, put it in the front. I enjoy your site by the way.

  4. I have the same setup as the Nissan guy and found exactly the opposite. 90% of the time the rear is all I need. But I'm glad to have the front one for the othre 10%.

  5. Sorry, but lockers are a waste of time they just get yo into more trouble weather theyre in the front or back or both. Buy a decent winch instead.

  6. If front lockers are so good, why does everyone recommend a rear locker?

  7. Have you read the post or any of the comments, Anonymous?

  8. How comme youre such an expert?

  9. Dunno, Hardman; probably years of using diff locks and observing their effects.
